Enviado por StorytellerValdemir em 26/12/2011
Neste vídeo, vemos uma parte da pregação de um pastor da Assembléia de Deus. No seu sermão ele faz um relato de um sonho que ele teve, neste sonho ele via muitos corpos mortos. Sem saber, ele teve uma antevisão do acidente de avião que vitimaria dezenas de pessoas em São Paulo, inclusive o próprio pastor morreu neste acidente aéreo. (Por: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, o Escriba)
In this video we see a part of the preaching of a pastor of the Assemblies of God. In his sermon he gives an account of a dream he had, in this dream he saw many dead bodies. Unknowingly, he had a foretaste of the plane crash that would kill dozens of people in Sao Paulo, including the pastor himself died in this crash. (By: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)
In this video we see a part of the preaching of a pastor of the Assemblies of God. In his sermon he gives an account of a dream he had, in this dream he saw many dead bodies. Unknowingly, he had a foretaste of the plane crash that would kill dozens of people in Sao Paulo, including the pastor himself died in this crash. (By: Valdemir Mota de Menezes, the Scribe)
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